Our Strategy

What Makes Saliba Asset Management’s Investment Process Different?

We start by gaining an understanding of each client’s personal situation and investment needs. Client accounts are managed independently and customized to their unique needs and goals.

Client assets are always held in an account registered in the client’s name. In general, Saliba Asset Management only has discretionary authority to trade in client accounts. We have a custodial relationship with Charles Schwab to accommodate client accounts.

We are a multi-asset class investment manager whose differentiation stems from a willingness to move funds between and among the various asset classes (equities, fixed income, cash, etc.). This strategy is based on the firm’s belief that over the long term, diversification is most efficiently achieved by investing among asset classes as opposed to diversifying within a single asset class. The strategy is executed based on the firm’s judgment about market expectations and the relative values between and among asset classes. The firm’s focus is on industries we believe hold attractive risk-return attributes. The processes of asset allocation and security selection are dynamic in that they change based on the firm’s judgment of the markets and economic climates.

For equity exposure we generally invest in individual stocks, and are one of the few local independent investment advisors in Huntsville who do so. Generally, we focus on large, well-known companies in industries we find favorable from a value/risk perspective. For fixed income exposure we generally invest in mutual funds to achieve diversification and liquidity.

We charge an asset based management fee. Our standard fee is 1.00% of assets/annually which is competitive within the industry. An asset based fee aligns our interest with the client’s in that as the assets grow our fees grow. Initial consultations are always free of charge.